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BS Metal

BS Metal is a global leader Producing & Supplying a copper & Copper Alloy Tube,

Graphene Coated Tube, many kinds of fin tube, titanium tube, stainless tube for customers

in multiple markets including power station, refrigeration end appliance,

petrochemical, ship-building, desalination. 


BS Metal is a global leader providing a copper & Copper Alloy Tube, Graphene Coated Tube, many kinds of fin tube, titanium tube, stainless tube for customers in multiple markets including power station, refrigeration and appliance, petrochemical,

ship-building, desalina-tion. 

We produce & supply the most advanced plain tube and fin tube for heat transfer solutions in today's marketplace. We have also earned a reputation in the non-ferrous metals market. 

Throughout our history, Our commitment to excellence and dedication to customer satisfaction continues to drive our vision for the future. With a global customer base, BS Metal is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of surface-enhanced copper and copper alloy tube, high quality copper & copper alloy plain tube, and specialty alloy tubes. 

Now were forcus on produce & supply Graphene Applied Products include all kinds of tube and fin tube material as first stage. You can see our related patent from our products section. 

Head office is in Seoul, Korea and Factory is in near Busan, Korea. 

Overseas Sales Office is in Soeul and Head Office & Factory are located in near Busan.

President (BS Metal - 별솔금속)


BS Metal Co., Ltd has been in business for over 17 years. We have consistently earned a leadership position it the non-ferrous tube & fin tube product markets; for first copper & copper alloy plain tube products and then transformed itself into a various fin tube market, now heat exchanger 


The BS Metal Co., Ltd begins manufacturing small, seamless copper and copper alloy tubing in a 3,300 square foot mill in Kim Hae City, 

Kyung Sang Nam - Do, for heat exchanger, ship building, power station, chemical industry.


The company is received ISO9001 Quality Certificate from The Joint Accrediation System of Australia and New Zealand. And We absorb DRC&A Co., Ltd into BS Metal Co., Ltd.


The Company is established and approved R&D Center from Korea Industrial Technology Association. And applied for a two Patents for revolutionary high fin tubes. This year also signed of cooperation between industry and the academic world with Chung Cheong University in Korea.


A new plant is built in Uiryeong-Gun in Kyoung Sang Nam-Do (16,500m2) in response to the growing insustry. 

We invent double wall tube and big size tube over than 500mm out-diameter


BS Metal devided into two company - Factory side (BS Metal) and Seoul Office side (별솔금속)


Seoul Office (별솔금속) absorbed factory and changed company name to 

별솔금속 but English name be same BS Metal Co., Ltd.

Certify as a Root Company


ISO 9001 Approved, 10 Graphene Patent acquired totally


Registered as a Kuwait KNPC’s Vendor, Petronas in Malaysia


Establish of Company R&D Center

Designated  as a High Technology Company, Certify as a Venture 

Company, Inobiz Company, Mainbiz Company, 

Designated as a Small and Medium-sized Export Enterprise


We start producing Graphene Coated Tube & Fin Tube newly.


11.01 중소벤처기업청장상 수상 (Prize Award from Chief of Small and medium venture companies in Korea)


03.02 PED Approval From DNV (압력용기 규격인정 - DNV)

05.08 Global Leading Company 1000 Designated from Government
(글로벌강소기업 1000 선정 - 정부) 

06.28 12 pcs Graphene Patent approved & Registered 

09.26 lloyd Approval (로이드 선급인증획득)

Conflict Minerals Policy

Conflict minerals are the minerals such as the tin, tantalite, tungsten, gold, etc. which are extracted from the Democratic Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries which are involved in conflicts.In relation to conflict minerals, in July 2010, a law requiring reporting on the use of conflict minerals (Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act). Following the passage of the US Congress, it is mandatory to the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) whether to use conflict minerals from 2014 to May 31 of each year. It is required to report on the use of conflict minerals and to disclose information to companies listed on the US stock market.

As a result, US stock market listed companies as well as domestic companies that supply products to listed companies are affected by this regulation.In addition, the EU enacted relevant regulations (No. 2017/821) in 2017 and prohibited the import of conflict minerals, which took effect on January 1, 2021. 

We are concerned with the regulation of conflict minerals, an international issue.

  • We will establish conflict minerals business process to comply with international standards and laws governing conflict minerals.
  • We will participate in Prohibition of the use of conflict minerals promoted by EICC and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI).
  • We will receive document of “Declaration of Conformity for Unused Conflict Minerals” from all suppliers so that this policy can be expanded.
  • We will not tolerate or benefit from anti-human or anti-social behavior, and will not contribute for those.
  • We do not purchase products containing conflict minerals and do not supply any products to domestic and overseas corporations/factory, etc. We will strive to continuously maintain and improve the conflict minerals policy by reflecting international law, governmental organizations, and customer policies.

Suppliers are responsible for setting up the documented conflict minerals management policy procedures so that conflict minerals are not included to the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo or its neighboring countries.

Suppliers shall make good faith efforts to identify all the names and locations of all smelters where conflict minerals were purchased in the supply chain.Suppliers shall take corrective actions in a timely manner when a risk in the supply chain is discovered.In relation to conflict minerals, if there are any of the following reasons, we may refuse or suspend the transaction with the relevant suppliers.

  • In case the supplier does not provide sufficient information to confirm the use of conflict minerals, or if different information from the facts is provided.
  • In case the supplier has a relationship with the other party related to the items mentioned below or other illegal items. Torture, abuse, human rights violations, coercion, forced labor, child abuse, violations of liberty, war crimes, violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity, genocide, etc.

- We will jointly respond with our business partners for systematic 
   supply chain management, and monitor the government’s policies and support.  

- We will establish a gradual process along with responding to conflict 
   minerals regulations.

- We will actively participate in global activities to prevent the use of conflict minerals.

TEL : 82-2-335-0612    |     FAX. 82-2-335-0613     |     E-mail :

Rm. 501, HausD biz. 10, Seonyu-ro 3-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea

Copyright ⓒ 2007 BS Metal. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.